Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to School or Rising From Summer Hibernation

So, the busy life is starting again for most of you. You need to start dragging your ass to class and staying awake to study instead of partying. To revitalize the blog, here's a few links for help on getting back on that horse:

College is full of temptations, including, but not limited to credit cards, alcohol, study drugs (and otherwise), and frat parties on weekdays. Why complicate that with an unhealthy life otherwise?

FlashCardMachine lets anyone create study flash cards and share them with others for free. Sign up and create your own flashcards in different subjects, organize them into sets, reorder and copy cards within a set and insert images and audios. You can share your flashcard set(s) with others who study the same subject by forwarding its URL, which they can access and study without registering.

If your note-taking skills are suffering from summertime rigor mortis, now's as good a time as any to throw a new technique into the mix. Let's take a look at some new and old tools for improving your ballpoint repertoire.

With the start of the academic year, it's time to switch out of vacation mode—pronto. What you do the first week of classes can majorly impact your grades four months from now, so don't skip these first week must-dos

Keep an eye on
LifeHacker's Back to School Section and HackCollege in the next few weeks for more tips and tricks, that's what these sites are good for.

I will attempt to write at least two posts per week, one covering Aesthetics and one covering Artificial Intelligence (as these are my two classes this semester.)

Take care all, keep your noses in them books!